How To Reduce Stress As A Student

Stress Reduction Tips for University Students

University is one of the most stressful times of a person’s life, and many people who have graduated will attest to that, even while after they’ve tried their hands at raising children. Professionals often look back and wonder how they were able to attend classes, study, work, pay bills for the first time and worry about applying for internships and graduate jobs…not to mention trying to maintain a social life.


Below we’ve compiled a few tips that will help you graduate as a sane person.


Reset your brain – take naps!


Naps aren’t just for babies, they are a necessary tool in a university student’s struggles to balance hectic lives and remain productive. It’s scientifically proven that naps help revitalize your brain and keep you sharp. You may lose studying time when you take a nap, but the increase in your ability to process and retain information will more than make up for it. Naps will also help regulate your mood levels, thus helping you feel less stressed. Don’t believe us? Ask the team at the Harvard School of Medicine


Keep your blood flowing – do some laps


It’s important to keep your blood circulating, while at the same time giving yourself a quick mental break. Walk around campus a little bit in between classes (you probably have to anyway) and take a 5 minute break every hour while you’re studying. Having your blood circulate a little more will keep you sharp, and puling your mind off of your work for a few minutes will serve to relieve stress.


Different view, different you


Is your dorm or apartment getting you down? Try studying outside or in a coffee shop. If you have a nice setting while studying it will greatly reduce your stress levels by helping you break up your usual, stressful routine.


Eat healthy


There’s little doubt you’ve heard this a million times, but eating properly reduces stress and increases your energy levels. Eating fruit first thing in the morning will give you energy, and help prevent you from burning out during the day. The body’s natural response to stress is to crave salty foods, such as chips; eating healthy will help prevent your body from reaching levels of stress that set off this response.


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